1852 Marriage of Malka Tachna and Michel Kochman

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Wąsewo. It happened in the town of Ostrów on the third / fifteenth of January, eighteen hundred and fifty two at five o’clock in the afternoon. Appeared the Jew Chaim Jankiel Szapira, Rabbi of the Ostrów district, together with the Jew Michel Zorkowicz Kochman, bachelor, age nineteen, born in the village of Zgorzałów district Ostrołęka, son of his parents the Jews Zorko Szuelowicz and Etka Mortkówna, married couple Kochman, both of whom living, day laborers, living with these parents in the village of Zgorzałów, and the Jewess Małka Wolfówna Tachna, spinster, age nineteen, born in the village of Wąsewo, district Ostrołęka, daughter of her parents, the Jews Wolf Lejbowicz and Szejna Dwejra Srólówna married couple Tachna, both of whom living, day laborers, living with these parents in the village of Wąsewo, as well as in the presence of the witnesses, the Jews Ićko Notkowicz, synagogue sexton, age forty nine, and Gdala Joszkowicz Beem, day laborer, age forty eight, both of whom residing here in Ostrów, and declared that today before him between Michel Zorkowicz Kochman, bachelor, and Małka Wolfówna Tachna, spinster, was performed the religious wedding and that it preceded three banns that were announced in the synagogue of this town on the eighth / twentieth, fifteenth / twenty seventh and twenty second of December of last year / third of January of the current year. The here present Zorko and Etka married couple Kochman, parents of the groom and Wolf and Szejna Dwejra married couple Tachna, parents of the bride, gave their verbal permission to this marriage and no obstruction against this marriage occurred. The newly wed declared that they did not conclude any pre-marital contract before. This document was read to those who appeared and the witnesses, and together with us signed by the rabbi and the first witness, whereas the second witness and the newly wed declared that they cannot write.

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